Editor, Videographer, Photographer, Interviewer, Copywriter, Director, Storyteller.


I founded SPNJRT in 2017 to specialize in developing personal, engaging narratives. I had always been keen on photography throughout my childhood years – but things really took off after clicking the REC button.

Personal stories have always triggered something within me. The idea of accumulating a wide array of emotions and life-decisions and ultimately end up with a series of images, or paragraphs that entail so much about that one person, or group of people – that’s what I live for.

After finishing up my first full-feature documentary-project entitled The Unknown Torres, I can honestly say I literally feel comfortable in all of the above-mentioned jobs. From organizing a crowdfunding campaign, mixing the audio to the design of the DVD cover, I did everything myself. Partly to save money, but also to challenge myself.